Wednesday, July 10, 2013

More Zinnias

This is an overview photo of the garden plot taken on the afternoon of 7/10/13. I'm calling it the view looking down the center isle.
This photo was taken on 7/10/13. I'm calling it the side view from the rock.
This photo was taken on 7/10/13. From right to left there are zinnias, sunflowers, garlic, tomatoes, and peppers.
This photo was taken on 7/10/13. On the left there are onions. Next to the onions are some marigolds. In the middle are a variety of tomato, basil, and pepper plants. The tomato plants have stakes.
This photo was taken on 7/10/13. From left to right there are potato plants, watermelon plants, small tomato plants, and onions.
This photo was taken on 7/10/13. From left to right there is a zucchini plant in the front and large, sprawling pumpkin plants in the back. There are cantaloupe plants in the front and carrots in the back. There are nasturtiums in the front and beets in the back. There are cucumbers between the carrots and the beets. There are potatoes on the right. George's corn is getting taller in plot beyond mine.

Thursday, July 4, 2013