Sunday, August 24, 2008
Awarded to all Seminary Students who have 80% attendance or better for the seminary year. (Note: Course completion for all four years of seminary is required for participation in seminary graduation.)
Presidential Scholar Award
Awarded to all students who have fulfilled the following 3 mandatory requirements:
__1. Has 90% attendance or better
__2. Has demonstrated exemplary citizenship in class
a. Is polite and considerate of others
b. Respects Church and personal property
c. Works well independently and with others
d. Comes prepared with scriptures
e. Accepts personal responsibility for learning
__3. Has read required selections in the current course (New Testament) at home.
And one of the following additional requirements:
__4. Has read from the current scriptural text (New Testament) at home for 10 minutes daily for 60 consecutive days.
__5. Has memorized all 25 Scripture Mastery verses
__6. Has attended all sessions of General Conference in April & October or has read the Conference addresses in the May & November Ensigns.
New Testament Reading Award
Awarded to all students who have read the entire New Testament.
Special notes: Seminary graduation is strongly recommended, if not mandatory, for all students who plan to attend a Church affiliated college or university. The Presidential Scholar Award and New Testament Reading Awards are Frederick Stake awards and are not recognized by BYU, however, they are a good indicator of a student’s willingness to work hard and achieve a goal and may be mentioned by seminary teachers in their student recommendations to those colleges.
Reward Dinner
Seminary Reward Dinner for all who completed the summer reading/marking assignment.
Friday, Aug 29th at 6pm in the YW room - Pizza and all the fixins, salad, fruit, & root beer floats.
Back to School Letter
Seminary Students and Parents,
Just a brief note about Seminary this year:
1. Seminary will begin this Wednesday, August 27th.
2. Class meets from 6:15am to 7:00am every school day except for snow and late arrival days. Please be on time. (Note: Seminary should run 50 minutes each day – we have only 45 minutes. That’s one reason that it’s important to be punctual. FYI, beginning SY 2009-2010, we will begin at 6:10am – you’ve been warned!!)
3. Please make sure you have a set of scriptures every day in class. Other materials will be provided.
4. Scripture Mastery lessons on Friday: We will combine classes on Fridays and work on Scripture Mastery. As part of this, each student will be responsible to teach a 10-20 minute lesson on a chosen Scripture Mastery scripture. Help will be provided and you can partner up and help one another. We’ll discuss this more in class.
5. Sister Lee’s class, juniors & seniors, will meet in the Primary room. Sister Raynor’s class, freshmen & sophomores, will meet in the RS room. The foyer/side doors will be closed at 6:15. After that, please use the doors at the back of these rooms.
6. Make-up work: If students are excessively absent, make-up work will be provided. Make-up work is hour-for-hour in the scriptures or General Conference summaries. (45 minutes for each class missed.) We encourage you to get any make-up work done promptly. We also encourage you to be in seminary every day!
7. Reward Dinner for the summer homework assignment this Friday at 6pm!
We are looking forward to a great year together!
Love, Sisters Lee and Raynor